Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We All Market and We All Sell

Employees in business settings frequently focus on their own particular job and lose sight of the impact they have on our organization and customers. We often tend to think only of our work in terms of individual tasks and their completion.

The reality is that we have many opportunities every day to market and sell our company to our internal and external customers in a very positive way. It is helpful to think about your interactions with others in terms of “How do I make this company work well for the individual I’m dealing with”. It requires a mindset of ensuring that the person you are dealing with gets their individual issue resolved or making sure that you facilitate a resolution by finding the correct person for them in order to solve a problem.

Dealing with others in this manner places you in a position to positively market and sell our company whether you are dealing with an internal or external customer. At the end of the day most of our interactions have something to do with our insured homeowners or with our partner insurance companies. To the extent that we all keep focused on positive problem resolutions, we will be viewed not as a commodity in the marketplace but as a valued business asset. Good deeds seldom go unnoticed and consistent application of a resolution oriented approach creates an ongoing positive reputation for Alacrity.

Remember each interaction is an opportunity. “We All Market and We All Sell”.

1 comment:

Ryan Erickson said...

"It is helpful to think about your interactions with others in terms of “How do I make this company work well for the individual I’m dealing with”."

Building on this note, marketingforensics.com has determined that Adaptability is one of the 3 keys that can make or break large transactions, the other 2 being Price and Trust. Marketingforensics.com is a third party company that interviews the decision makers in large corporate transactions and determines the reasoning behind a successful sale or missed opportunity.