Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Instant Messaging

Today's Wall Street Journal takes a look at the growing popularity of instant messaging as a means of communication at work. According to the Journal, "Instant messaging is invading and changing the workplace. Employees started to sneak instant messaging into the office in the late 1990s, but now more companies are endorsing it. Faster and more casual than email, instant messaging can foster broader collaboration among employees even as it further blurs the boundaries between work and life."
Many of us at Alacrity are in constant communication via MSN Instant Messenger. We collaborate on projects, discuss issues, and just chat about the days events. Instant messaging can build a sense of closeness among people working thousands of miles apart that probably never would have developed through more traditional lines of communication.
The Journal article predicts that instant messaging at work will grow rapidly in popularity: Currently about 1/3 of workers IM at work but one expert believes that it will become the dominant method of communication in the workplace.
Hopefully, everybody at Alacrity is now, or soon will, take advantage of the convenience that IM provides.

1 comment:

David said...

Good article. As with any means of electronic communication, users need to remember who can see what they send, and remember not to write something that they wouldn't be comfortable seeing reported on the front page of their local newspaper (remember those?).